J taylor private wealth team

Our team. Our family.

Who we are

Our founder, Jerry Taylor (known by many of us simply as "Dad") started in the industry over 30 years ago with the intent to help families navigate financial uncertainties. Today, our staff is 75% family. Because of this, we approach your family's finances the same way we approach our own.

Read our story

Our process

How we do it

Our approachable investment management specialists combine their knowledge with rigorous research aims to keep your investment portfolio healthy for years to come.


Cash on Hand

We understand that every family’s day-to-day needs are different. Whether you have kids in college or traveling to see grand-kids, everyone’s needs are different.



When we lay out explicit goals for your future, we can help you see the impact on decisions today for the future goals.



As you think about your lasting fimpact, what do you want to leave your kids, church, or organizations?

Our reason

Why we do it

We see the J Taylor family as an extension of your family – helping you to decide how to appropriately plan for your (and your children’s’) futures. Our goals and expertise are bigger than just picking stocks. We paint a full financial picture for your family, planning out where you are, where you want to be, and what steps it takes to get there, so you can have the confidence in your family’s financial future.  We invite your entire family to meet ours.

Businessman having meeting and discussing

"We're a family-first financial services firm."

- Jordan Taylor, J Taylor Financial Advisor

"I made my first investment at age eleven.
Until then, I was wasting my life."

~ Warren Buffet

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Start Investing

Are you relatively new to investing? Whether you’ve dabbled a bit or you’re are utterly clueless to the process, we can help you get started. First, we’d love to get to know you. How much experience do you have with investing? What are your short-term and long-term goals? What interests you most about the process? The friendly asset management professionals from J Taylor are ready to help you put together an investment plan that fits your family’s budget, values, and goals.

How can we help?